A lumbar herniated disc can cause severe pain. Lumbar spinal discs become herniated when their tough external coat is damaged and allows the softer, gelatinous interior of the spinal disc to push out. A lumbar herniated disc can compress adjacent nerves causing compression symptoms along the path supplied by that nerve. A lumbar herniated disc can also irritate the nerves supplying the legs.
Pain in the back of the leg is called sciatica. Sciatica can occur as a result of lumbar disc herniation. This pain is usually worsened by coughing, sneezing, or bowel evacuations. However, there is a variety of lumbar herniated disc treatments in Houston, including herniated disc chiropractic treatment.
These are dependent on the nerve compressed by a herniated disc and the location of the affected disc. The following are among the most common symptoms of a lumbar herniated disc:
To get treated for a lumbar herniated disc in Houston, you need to visit Advanced Chiropractic Relief. After obtaining a thorough medical history and performing a physical exam, your Houston Chiropractor can create a chiropractic treatment plan tailored specifically for you.
One of the common chiropractic techniques used in treating lumbar herniated discs is the flexion-distraction technique. The goal of this non-invasive treatment is to decrease pressure on lumbar discs while increasing the spine’s mobility. The flexion-distraction technique makes use of repetitive movements to relax the area with the herniated disc, allowing it to function normally.
We are different from others in chiropractic treatment for lumbar herniated disc because we conduct thorough history and exam and we adjust you along the X Y Z axis and decompress your spine using the Johnson BioPhysics® technique and Ring Dinger®.
Some of the clinical benefits of chiropractic treatments of a lumbar herniated disc include:
A lumbar herniated disc can cause a lot of pain which can hamper daily life, and we’d love to ensure that you are pain-free, healthy, and happy. If you currently have any lumbar herniated disc symptoms, book an appointment today.
Dr. Gregory Johnson D.C. has 40+ years effectively treating his patients using his care, personalized treatments and trademarked techniques. Some of his notable accomplishments include being awarded Doctor of the Year for Houston Metropolitan District 11 by the Texas Chiropractic Association, consistently being ranked as one of the best Chiropractors and creating the trademarked Johnson BioPhysics® technique and Ring Dinger®.
Dr. Tristan Wendt D.C. brings a level of passion, care and southern charm that allows him to connect with and bring relief to his patients through Chiropractic care. Dr. Wendt is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and has been mentored by Dr. Johnson for many years. He treats his patients using the effective and personalized Johnson BioPhysics® and Ring Dinger® techniques.
Mon-Thu: 9am to 5pm
Fri-Sat: 9am to 2pm
Sun: Closed
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