Back Pain Chiropractor in Houston, TX

Providing relief with chiropractic care from lower back pain in Houston, TX

Looking for a back pain chiropractor? We understand. Back pain is a debilitating condition that affects adults of all ages. People suffering from back pain may find difficulty performing everyday tasks like sitting, sleeping and engaging in physical activities. According to the American Chiropractic Association, an etimated 31 million American experience lower back pain at any given time.

Managing your back pain with chiropractic care can help alleviate back pain and restore quality of life.

At Advanced Chiropractic Relief, we help patients in Houston manage their back pain naturally with chiropractic care, avoiding invasive surgical procedures

The highly experienced team at the Advanced Chiropractic Relief provides a holistic approach to back pain treatment. Your Chiropractors Dr. Gregory Johnson and Dr. Tristan Wendt provide effective chiropractic care for individuals from Houston or around the globe who suffer from back pain.

Types of Back Pain Houston

There are several types of back pain, but the most common types are acute low-back pain and chronic low-back pain.

Acute back pain

Patients with acute low-back pain often improve on their own, through self-care, and stay active. If acute low back pain persist after four weeks, you can consider non-drug therapies, including Chiropractic adjustment.

Chronic back pain

Long-term use of pain medication usually does not improve functioning for patients with chronic low-back pain. Natural therapies, including spinal chiropractic adjustments prove more beneficial. Psychological and social factors also contribute to chronic low-back pain. Most patients with chronic low-back pain will not become pain-free so treatment should be more focused on improving function and reducing pain.

Symptoms of Back Pain Houston

With back pain, the connection to a physical source is not always evident. There are people showing no spinal abnormalities on their X-rays yet suffer from excruciating back pain.

  • Pain affects the back area and does not radiate to the leg
  • Difficulty standing, walking or sitting
  • Muscle spasms
  • Cramps
  • Pain is felt suddenly
  • Back is sore to the touch

Causes of Back Pain Houston

The human spine is a complex structure of discs, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. There are several possible causes for back pain or discomfort. Most back pain sufferers don’t seek help to find out the cause of their back pain thinking that the pain will go away on its own and only get medical assistance if the pain intensifies and become unbearable.


Strained Muscles or Ligaments

Muscles, ligaments and tendons get strained when they are pulled or torn, which can damage fibers resulting in pain. This is more common among athletes and weekend warriors who engage in physically-demanding activities. However, you can still suffer from pulled muscle or ligaments while doing things, such as lifting, at home or at work.



When you are stressed, you become tensed, your blood pressure and heart rate rise and your muscles tighten. Constant stress causes your muscles to become sore and weak.


Vertebral Subluxation

Vertebral subluxation is a result of the spine in which alignment, movement integrity and physiological functions are compromised due to functional, structural, and/or pathological articular changes. In the lumbar spine, these usually occur at the transition between the lower spine and the sacrum. Because of the relationship between the spinal column, the spinal cord, and the spinal nerves, vertebral subluxations have the potential to impair proper nerve function.
Read More About Vertebral Subluxation ›


Herniated Disc

A herniated disc results when the rubbery cushions located between vertebrae or individual bones in the spine are ruptured. When one of these discs develops a crack in its hard outer wall, the inner disc material is pushed into the spinal canal. When this happens, the herniated disc irritates the nerves and causes pain, weakness, or numbness.
Read More About Herniated Disc ›


Back Pain Chiropractor in Houston

Your back pain chiropractors, Dr. Wendt and Dr. Johnson perform spinal adjustments to help patients manage back pain. Spinal adjustment is a technique we use to realign the spine and reduce pressure on the spine.

This technique can improve communication between the brain and the rest of the body, which can help speed the healing process and improve overall health and function. Chiropractic adjustments address the pain at its source while providing relief at the same time. At Advanced Chiropractic Relief, we offer help for alleviating back pain with all-natural and gentle chiropractic care.

Comprehensive Exam

Dr. Johnson or Dr. Wendt will carry out a thorough examination of your neck and the entire spine to determine the best approach for your neck pain. During the examination, they will check your posture and identity the areas of restricted movement.

Comprehensive and Individualized Treatment Plan

After careful and thorough assessment of your neck and entire spine and identifying the source of your pain, your ACR Chiropractor will put together a comprehensive and individualized chiropractic plan that is designed to alleviate painful symptoms of your condition.

Spinal Adjustments

Spinal chiropractic adjustments relieve pressure on the nervous system, promote spinal health and improve overall health. These adjustments are especially beneficial for providing relief from neck pain.

To learn more about chiropractic care for back pain in Houston, schedule an appointment with Your Houston Chiropractors Dr. Gregory Johnson or Dr. Tristan Wendt at Advanced Chiropractic Relief by filling out our Contact Form

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Booking Hours

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  • Mon
  • 9am to 5pm
  • Tue
  • 9am to 5pm
  • Wed
  • 9am to 5pm
  • Thu
  • 9am to 5pm
  • Fri
  • 9am to 2pm
  • Sat
  • Closed
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  • Closed
Your Houston Chiropractors

Award-Winning Your Houston Chiropractor

Natural Chiropractic Care Helps Houston Patients Regain Their Health and Wellness and Improve Quality of Life

Dr. Gregory Johnson D.C. has 40+ years effectively treating his patients using his care, personalized treatments and trademarked techniques. Some of his notable accomplishments include being awarded Doctor of the Year for Houston Metropolitan District 11 by the Texas Chiropractic Association, consistently being ranked as one of the best Chiropractors and creating the trademarked Johnson BioPhysics® technique and Ring Dinger®.

Dr. Tristan Wendt D.C. brings a level of passion, care and southern charm that allows him to connect with and bring relief to his patients through Chiropractic care. Dr. Wendt is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and has been mentored by Dr. Johnson for many years. He treats his patients using the effective and personalized Johnson BioPhysics® and Ring Dinger® techniques.

Remarkable 5 Star Ratings For Advanced Chiropractic Relief

For over four decades, patients from Houston and across the country have shared countless stories of how Dr. Gregory Johnson’s chiropractic care have changed their lives.